Our Shopify integration has a staging mode, which you can use to test your end-to-end process flow. Learn more about it in this article.
What is the staging mode?
When installing the ReBound-Shopify integration, you can choose between "Staging" and "Production" modes. This allows you to configure which ReBound API environment the integration should work with:
- Staging: This is the testing mode. It will sync data with ReBound's pre-production environment. You can safely test anything in this mode without worries that it will affect real data on our side. Please use the "pre-production" credentials when setting this up.
- Live: This is the "real-life" mode and is linked to our production environment. We recommend avoiding running tests in this mode, because it can affect real data. When setting it up, you should use the "production" credentials.
How do I choose the mode that I want?
You simply tick one of the boxes during the app's installation:
How do I change the app's mode?
Once the integration is set up in either staging or live mode, the setting can't be changed.
However, you can always uninstall the app from your Shopify store and install it again. When the app is uninstalled, so is your configuration. Therefore, when you are installing the app again, you are able to select a different environent and fill in the corresponding credentials.