How do I install the Shopify integration?

Learn how to set up our standard integration with Shopify.

The ReBound-Shopify integration can be installed as an app in your Shopify store. This article guides you in this process.


  • You already have a commercial contract with ReBound. If you don't have a contract already, you can always get in touch with us.
  • Your ReBound implementation manager has shared the API credentials with you, along with a link to our app. If this is not the case, please reach out to them (or to your client manager).
  • You have access to all the Shopify stores where the app has to be installed.

If you use multiple Shopify stores in parallel (e.g., for different brands or geographies), it may be required that all of them are integrated with ReBound. You can do that by simply installing our app in all of your stores.

Visual installation guide

For a visual guide to install the Shopify app, you can follow this Guideflow demo

Step by step installation guide

If you prefer a wrriten guide, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Open the app listing from the Shopify App Store and click "Install".
  2. You may see a pop-up prompting you to choose the Shopify store on which you wish to install the app. You will then be forwarded back to your Shopify admin to a permissions approval page.
  3. Review the permissions and approve them by clicking "Install".
  4. On the next page, click on "I already have a ReBound contract".
  5. A form with API credentials will be shown. It must be filled with the API credentials that are generated by ReBound. You received these from your ReBound implementation manager. If you haven't received them, please reach out to your implementation manager or client manager.
  6. Select staging or production mode. More details.
  7. After you copied the data, press "Submit". A notification will confirm that the credentials were updated.
  8. You will be forwarded to the app's homepage, which contains some useful links. The integration is now live. 

You can pin the ReBound Returns app to your Shopify admin sidebar to find it easily in the future. You can do this by pressing any of these two "Pin" icons:

09b Homepage unpinned highlighted

Verifying that it works

Do you want to check that the credentials are correct and the data sync works as expected? You can do that by creating a test order and then returning it in the ReBound consumer portal. 

For the return data to be synced back to Shopify, the ReBound headless APIs must be used to register the return. This is supported by default in our own consumer portal. Alternatively, you can use one of our partners' portals, a 3rd party or your own application, as long as it is powered by our APIs in the back-end.

You can learn how to do test the data flow by following the data sync Guideflow demo.